This is the Submission & Accreditation Area of the Curtas Vila do Conde IFF
Curtas Vila do Conde - International Film Festival, founded in 1993, has continually developed its own character throughout its history, knowing how to establish points of harmony between innovation centred on contemporaneity and the dignification of cinematic memory.
Curtas addresses cinema from a more open perspective, not being constrained by closed concepts derived from the duration of cinematographic works, production methodologies used, respective budgets, or even supports, nor those derived from presentation formulas defined by strictly commercial criteria.
The competitions will continue to focus on short films, with a longer duration concept than most similar festivals (up to 60 minutes), working in the different categories of fiction, documentary, and animation, as well as experimental films and music videos, in a balanced manner and, when necessary, looking for specific public niches.
Curtas, as an event recognised by the general public, professionals in the industry, and specialised media, is quite consistent in its programming structure in terms of organisational coherence, programme balance, and continual replenishment. With comprehensive aesthetic coherence and quality criteria in the selection of authors and works, as well as a variety of screenings and films, which corresponds to the interest in audience building, valorisation, and betting on emerging talents, particularly in Portuguese Cinema.
Your account
Once logged in after creating a personal account, you can find all the information relevant to you here. You can find your tickets, your personal timeline, who is here, where to eat, where to stay and much more. In your personal timeline you can see all your planned events for this year's festival.
If you already have an account, please sign in here.